Practice Schedule

Daily Practice Schedule
Tantra schedule – Initiation required.
Holy Days
Losar – Tibetan New Year
Auspicious Birthdays
Departure Day

Daily Practice Schedule:  
Please check the Calendar page for possible changes or cancellations to the schedule.  Thanks.

Tuesday7:00 pmShakyamuni Puja and meditation
Wednesday7:00 pmChenrezi Puja and meditation
Thursday7:00 pmCheck calendar for Teaching schedule
Sunday1:00 pmManjushri Puja and meditation
*Initiation or permission required.
Sunday2:00 pmGreen Tara Puja and meditation



Monthly Tantra Schedule:  Vajrayogini Tsok and Vajrapani practice dates and times. Initiation is required to participate.  Thank you!


Vajrayogini Tsok @ 7:00 p.m.| |Vajrapani Practice @ 7:00 pm
May 3 Friday/ / May 17 Friday
June 2 Sunday/ /June 15 Saturday
July 1Monday/ /July 15Monday
July 30Tuesday/ /August 13Tuesday
August 28Wednesday/ /September 12Thursday
Sept 27Friday/ /October 11Friday
October 26Saturday / /November 10Sunday
November 25Monday/ /December 9Monday



The Holy Days 

Sakya Holy Days 

Tibetan Lunar CalendarSakya Holy Day
23rd day of 4th monthAnniversary of Mahasiddha Virupa
14th day of 9th monthParinirvana Day of Sachen Kunga Nyingpo
11th day of 11th monthParinirvana Day of Lopon Sonam Tsemo
12th day of 2nd monthParinirvana Day of Jetaun Drakpa Gyaltsen
14th day of 11th monthParinirvana Day of Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen
22nd day of 11th monthParinirvana Day of Drogon Chogyal Phagpa


Buddhist Holy Days 

Display of MiraclesChotrul Duchen15th day of 1st monthFeb 24, 2024
Shakyamuni's Enlightenment
Saga Dawa Duchen15th day of 4th monthMay 23, 2024
First Turning of the WheelChokhor Duchen4th day of 6th monthJuly 9, 2024
Descent from
Indra's Heaven
Lhabab Duchen22nd day of 9th monthNov 22, 2024


Losar – Tibetan New Year – February 10, 2024

On the first day of the first lunar month of the Tibetan calendar we make a special offerings to the local spirits and protectors.
It is also the first day of Buddha’s miracles month.

Auspicious Birthdays

Western dateMaster
July 6HH the 14th Dalai Lama
September 7HH the 41st Sakya Trichen
November 19HH the 42nd Sakya Trizin

When an Auspicious Birthday happens on a regular scheduled practice day it will pre-empt the scheduled practice for that day.

Departure Days

Western dateMaster
September 7Late Geshe Tashi Namgyal

When a Departure Day happens on a regular scheduled practice day it will pre-empt the scheduled practice for that day.