Current Events

Lama Jampa’la will be Teaching on Thursday September 5th @ 7:00 pm.  Lama’la will give an explanation on the meaning of the dorje and bell.
Everyone is welcome.

Saturday September 7th is HH Sakya Trichen’s Birthday and Geshe’la’s Anniversary. At 4:00 pm a Chenrezi Puja and Potluck.    Everyone is welcome.

Vajrapani practice is on Thursday September 12 @ 7:00 pm.  
*Initiation is required to participate.

Vajrayogini Tsok is on Friday September 27 @ 7:00 pm.                                      *Initiation is required to participate.


Please check the Calendar page for updates or changes before visiting the Centre.

Thank you! 🙂
Victoria Buddhist Dharma Society


Prayer to Tara

Om, I pay Homage to Tara, the Noble One, the Arya,
Namo, Tare she who is quick, the Heroine,
She who eliminates all fear with Tutarre,
The Saviouress who gives all bennefit with Ture,
I bow down to you Soha.

Om Tare Tutarre Ture Soha,
Om Tare Tutarre Ture Soha,
Om Tare Tutarre Ture Soha,